Anti-personnel landmines 
This type of landmine is perhaps the most dangerous and is the main problem. Global agreements that criminalize the use of anti-personnel mines have been signed, but they remain a problem until now. The antipersonnel mine explodes if it is pressed by a certain weight (the weight of an adult). However, over time, rust, moisture and erosion cause the mine to explode at any weight. There are also types of mines connected by wires and once a person stumbles by them, they explode, and there may be several explosive charges linked to each other as soon as one of them explodes, causing all of them to explode. The location of the minefields is changing over the time, the floods in the desert and the movement of vegetative growth in the region, so it is very difficult to determine the exact beginning and end of the mine sites. International treaties banning the manufacture of anti-personnel mines have been issued, but the problem remains in most parts of the world.